How to Choose a Venue for a High School Prom


Prom venues weren’t much of an issue back in the day, as most proms were held on school grounds. Today, however, proms are often held at elite venues with fantastic amenities. According to YPulse, 77% of surveyed high schools reported they hosted proms in 2022. If you’re helping to book a prom venue this year, here are a few tips on how to pick the perfect spot.


Most schools want a prom venue that is easily accessible to students. This means students wouldn’t be required to drive long distances to get there. Finding a location close to the school or at least within the county should be a high priority on your list.


Your next criteria for consideration should be the venue size. This will be based on the approximate number of students, faculty, and staff that are attending. It’s always better to book a larger venue than to get a venue that is too small.


Amenities should be considered as well. One of the most important amenities for a prom is the dance floor. Many schools also incorporate dinner into the event. You will need to make sure that the venue provides catering and space for a sit-down meal. If your prom isn’t offering dinner, then refreshments such as soda, tea, and coffee should be provided. Reliable event spaces will offer recommendations for DJs and other amenities. Talk in-depth with the prom committee about what amenities are important for your event.


You need to book a venue that can be realistically worked into the school’s budget. Students will pay for prom tickets to offset the cost, but ticket prices can’t be exorbitant. There is more involved in your prom budget than just the price of the venue, too. Budget conversations should be had early on to ensure the budget is sufficient and that venue options will work.


As with booking any venue for an event, availability is critical. You’ll need to plan well in advance to make sure the venue is available on your chosen date. Remember, proms for many schools are all held around the same time. There will be competition for venues.

If you’re looking for the perfect venue for your high school prom, please contact us today. We are here for your event planning needs.